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A Very Busy Summer!

Only a few weeks ago the entire nation were told to stay at home and Zoom / Houseparty / Whatsapp were our only life line to family and friends. Face masks have become the new normal and most children returned this week to nurseries and schools so a little normality resumed for many. We’re huge fans of Christmas so the temptation to pop on a Christmas film is creeping in fast - even Little Man has been learning the words to Jingle Bells! Ooops!

Our previous blog saw us six weeks post placement and how things were starting to settle. This has continued, but we’ve also had a mixture of days where Little Man has been a little unsettled at times too. However in the last few weeks everything is feeling much more settled. The Summer saw Little Man meeting family and friends and he has taken everything in his stride. The last few months have allowed us to cement in our routine - plus finding out what strategies work well and those that don’t work.

With it now being less than a year since school begins (AHHHHH!) we’ve already had to start enquiring about school placements for next year! Little Man recently started at nursery and everything has been going well for him there. He is exhausted come the end of the day and we’ve had bedtimes lasting only 5 minutes before he is asleep! He has been eating and trying new foods, learning some French and obviously having lots of fun and playtime with other children. We helped prepare his transition by speaking about going to nursery and all the things he would do there. We spent time in visiting the outside of the nursery by going in the car so he became familiar with the route and location. We’re so proud in how he has adapted to his new routine and how he loves to go to nursery.

Little Man celebrated his birthday and he was well and truly spoilt by our family and friends. Nothing could match his smile the morning of his birthday when he opened the lounge door to see the entire room decorated for his birthday - he loved it! It was a small gathering with only a small handful of family and friends he has met so far. This was perfect as he instantly remembered everybody and it was clear he was comfortable being in their company and playing with the other children too!

It’s hard to believe the summer holidays are over and that ‘The Rona’ is still around, for some time to come it would seem. With Little Man spending several days at nursery, this means we now get a small amount of time back. It’s important for us to have time together as the last 3 months have been very intense. He also needs that time away from us and to be mentally stimulated by other children, which is something we cannot provide him with. The next year will see Little Man grow in every way possible and we’re so excited for all that awaits him. We’re very proud parents.

Keep an eye out on our Daddy, Dad & Me vlog where we have lots of videos sharing our journey and discussing particular aspects of the adoption process.

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